Thursday, March 15, 2012

The Zoo

Not sure if anyone still checks this site, but in case you do...I thought I'd pass along a great tip someone gave me today.  I hadn't even thought about the fact that Potters Park Zoo doesn't charge until April.  And if you have checked out the 10 day forecast, you have seen that this gorgeous weather is here for awhile!  Pretty awesome chance to go spend the day at the zoo for FREE, and the best part is the animals will actually be active and not lethargic from the heat and humidity!  For those of you in other towns, maybe the same is true for your closest zoo?


  1. I have the site on my Google reader so I always see when something new comes up. I feel bad that I haven't posted in awhile!

  2. I see it too. Thanks for the reminder about the zoo! Maybe we'll go this morning:)

  3. Just be careful the zoo charges on nice days sometimes.
